Donate Baseball and Softball Gear

Learn about our passionate team, and how you can help!

About Us

Our Founder

Austin Majors (12 yrs old) has always carried a passion to help his fellow Puerto Ricans and is uniquely positioned to help.  His goal is to make sure that every child, who wants to play baseball or softball, will have the equipment required to play. 

The Storm

Puerto Rico "La Isla del Encanto" or the island of enchantment is still rebuilding from Hurricane Maria and many of the children are unable to play baseball and softball because their equipment was destroyed. We want to help this amazing United States community.


Many people do not realize that Puerto Rico is part of the United States.  As Americans, we need to stick together and allow our youth to enjoy the benefits that baseball and softball provide. The life lessons and opportunities will allow us to be stronger. 

Help Our Cause

Your support and contributions will enable us to allow our youth to thrive on the field, in the classroom, and in life.  Your generous donation will fund our mission.

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